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10 citat från tv-serien Friends (Vänner)

Här får du ta del av 10 roliga citat från tv-serien Vänner som bland annat inkluderar citat från Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, Monica och Chandler.

10 citat från komediserien Friends

1. Citat från Chandler

Im Chandler. I make jokes when Im uncomfortable

"I’m Chandler. I make jokes when I’m uncomfortable." – Chandler

2. Citat från Chandler

Im not great at giving advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment

"I’m not great at giving advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?" – Chandler

3. Citat från Joey

How you doin

"How you doin?!" – Joey

4. Citat från Phoebe

Smelly cat smel ly cat what are they feeding you Smelly cat smel ly cat its not your fault

"Smelly cat, smel-ly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smel-ly cat, it's not your fault." – Phoebe

5. Citat från Joey

Here come the meat sweats

"Here come the meat sweats." – Joey

6. Citat från Joey

Joey doesnt share food

"Joey doesn’t share food!" – Joey

7. Citat från Ross

I grew up with Monica. If you didnt eat fast you didnt eat

"I grew up with Monica. If you didn't eat fast, you didn't eat." – Ross

8. Citat från Rachel

Well maybe I dont need your money. Wait wait I said maybe

"Well, maybe I don’t need your money. Wait, wait, I said maybe!" – Rachel

9. Citat från Monica

Welcome to the real world. It sucks. Youre gonna love it

"Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it." – Monica

10. Citat från Monica

Guys can fake it Unbelievable The one thing thats ours

"Guys can fake it? Unbelievable! The one thing that's ours!" – Monica

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